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Kendall County Rebels

Travel Baseball Association

Printable Version (PDF)

The Kendall County Rebels is a non-profit, parent-volunteer organization serving Kendall County whose purpose is to provide a positive learning and playing experience for those of our youth community who are members of our teams and promote the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, courage and respect for authority. In order to advance these principles, the Kendall County Rebels organization has established a “Code of Conduct.”

This Code of Conduct shall govern the actions of players, coaches, parents and spectators and is intended to provide behavioral guidance and establish clear expectations for all involved. The Code was not conceived to address every possible behavioral circumstance; however, it shall serve as the Organization’s standard for behavioral evaluation. It shall be the obligation of all coaches, players, parents and spectators to comply with the terms and provisions of the Code of Conduct. Any person violating the Code shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of the privilege to participate in, or attend, any and all Kendall County Rebels sponsored activities.


Demonstrate good sportsmanship, self-control, and proper behavior.

Attend all coaches meetings and clinics.

Care for the equipment issued and the fields and facilities which we use.

Abide by all the rules and regulations of the leagues, teams, and tournaments with which the team participates.

No use of tobacco or alcohol products during practices or games.

Promote honesty, teamwork, fair play and responsibility.

Treat your players with dignity and respect.

Help your players to improve their athletic skills, their knowledge of the game, their physical condition, and their self-esteem.

Remind them to be respectful of their teammates and their opponents at all times.

Do not permit attacks of any kind by your coaches, players, parents or fans on the umpire, the other coaches, or any players.

Do not challenge judgment calls by the umpire. It is not acceptable to challenge the interpretation of a rule.

Never put a player in harm’s way. Ensure they are using and wearing the proper equipment.


Abide by all the rules and regulations of the leagues, teams, and tournaments with which the team participates.

Refrain from giving the children instructions during the game - allow the coaches to manage the team and game.

Refrain from dugout visits.

Get your child to practice and games on time.

Remember children are involved in organized sports for their enjoyment, not yours.

Teach your child always to play by the rules.

Teach your child that hard work and an honest effort are often more important than a victory.

Help your child work toward skill improvement and good sportsmanship in every game.

Set a good example. Children learn best by example.

Do not publicly question an umpire’s judgment and never their honesty. Accept the umpire’s decision as final and respect the fact that they too make mistakes.

Recognize the value and importance of volunteer coaches. Give them their due respect. Without them, there would be no baseball program.

If you have a problem/conflict with the manager or coaches, do not approach them during or after a game. Call the coach to discuss the matter or set a meeting with the manager or coach to discuss the matter.

Accept the coaches’ decision regarding playing positions and the amount of playing time. I understand that this is a travel team and there are no guarantees for equal playing time or position.


Compete to the best of your abilities; during every pitch, during every game.

Come to practice and games on time and prepared to play with respect to your attitude, concentration, and effort.

Treat your coaches, teammates, family members, umpires, and opponents with respect at all times.

Always listen to and look at a coach while they are talking.

Umpires decisions are non-debatable. Do make comments to an umpire from the field or bench.

Never argue a coach’s decision.

Cell phones will be turned OFF during practice and games.

Wear your uniform correctly.

Obey all curfew rules set by my team’s leadership.