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Kendall County Rebels

Travel Baseball Association

The Kendall County Rebels is a non-profit organization in Illinois.  We offer the following opportunities to sponsor a team in our organization.

Grand Slam Package

$1,000 Donation

Everything included in the Home Run package, plus...

  • Larger 4x8 Banner along the outfield fence at Pletcher field for the entire season
  • Kendall County Rebels Team hat

Home Run Package

$750 Donation

Everything included in the RBI Package, plus...

  • Business name printed on our team banner which is displayed at all games and tournaments
  • 4x4 banner along the outfield fence at Pleterch field for the entire season.

RBI Package

$500 Donation

  • Front page advertisement on with a link to your website and your contact information displayed
  • Kendall County Rebels window decal for your business to display

Walk-Off Package

Item/Service Donation

  • Your business name and link to your website on our sponsor page.